Final thought on Wisconsin

Not a big post here. I still feel that Public sector unions are a very different beast from Private Sector unions and there is considerable question as to their ultimate utility to the republic.

That said, I would favor that the governor’s proposal be defeated in Wisconsin.

Since he has excempted politically favorable unions from the legilation this is unequal and appears to be mostly politically motivated. Break all the public sector unions, or none of them, not just the ones who supported the opposition in the last election.


3 thoughts on “Final thought on Wisconsin

  1. Bob Evans Post author

    So I have dug deeper into the issues and it seems that the large statewide unions (Police and Fire) did not support Walker, but the smaller City unions did. (Much smaller.) So on reflection it does not seem to be political payback, but it remains uneven treatment and police and fire unions have the sort of threat to the electorate as other public sector unions. I would still call for equal instead of unequal treatment.

  2. Bob Evans Post author

    Looks like, mind I have only this one source, that the police did not statewide support his election, but that doesn’t change the fact he is treating one group of public employees one way and another group another way without, what seems to me, a compelling argument for the difference. Everything that applies to one set of public union arguments seems to apply to police and fire as well. So I’d still say kill the bill until it is equal treatment.

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