Daily Archives: February 20, 2011

The Pernicious Prevarication of The Instapundit

So there I was doing political blog reading the other day when I came across this posting from Instapundit:

CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE: ObamaCare Repeal Would Save $1.4 Trillion.

This is a very typical type of posting from Professor Reynolds. Short, makes a dramatic point, and  linking to further information. It is also an excellent example of how he prevaricates with this short pithy posts. Someone who was justing reading down the numerous posting for that day would read the slug, come away with the impression that repealing Healthcare reform would save us 1.4 trillion dollars, and move on. I followed the link because it seemed at odds with what knew of the situation. Maybe I was wrong and I wouldn’t going to dismiss the concept out of hand. Continue reading
