Daily Archives: February 15, 2011

Leveling up

So last week, Tuesday in fact, after my visit to the dentist to get five crowns put into my mouth, that was an experience let me say, I came home and banged around the condo for the rest of the day. One of the things that happened due to those hours on my hand was I scanned through a flyer/brochure that had arrived a few days earlier. This one was for college lectures as CDs, DVDs, or Downloads. I was just passing the time until I saw this course Building Great Sentences. Hmm, I had felt for sometime that was weakest in my sentence level construction and this might be of some help. The catalogue advertised a price of about $40, but I felt certain that logging into their website I would discover a much higher price awaited me.

Nope. $40 if I purchased it a a download, no physical media. Well, that didn’t bother any, so, with only a little trepidation as to what the sweetie-wife might say when she learned of this purchase, I spent the money and downloaded the 24 lectures.

Of course the final judgment will rest with the opinions of others, those readers, editors, and members of my writing community if this course has impacted, for better or for ill, on my skill as a writer. However, I am very pleased with the course and feel that I have leveled up as a writer.  You can judge for yourself.

Here is the opening sentence to a new short story I am crafting.

Enkidu crossed the last measure of grass, entering the forest, his young eyes adapting quickly to the dim light barely filtering through the thick canopy of leaves, his bare feet silently crushing wet moldering leaves in his step, the sharp, sweet smell of decay filling his nose and from deeper in the forest the presence of the dead filling his thoughts with silent voices.
