Daily Archives: February 7, 2011

Sunday Night Movie: Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World

It was a string of events that lead me to select Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World as this weekend’s Sunday Night Movie.

First off I am editing/re-writing Love and Loyalty. Now Love and Loyalty is a Space Opera novel of adventure among the stars it might not seem congruent with a movie like Master and Commander. That’s only on the surface, Love and Loyalty  is my salute/homage to the Horatio Hornblower novels, which are Napoleonic Sea adventures, like Master and Commander. I have read the entire Hornblower series multiple times and one of these days I intend to get around to the Jack Aubrey novel — from which the film Master and Commander was inspired.

Second over at Star trek re-watch after a particularly wide-ranging conversation in the comments section we ended up talking about naval matters and traditions. Star Trek also is inspired by the Hornblower stories and so there was a mood synergy that just insisted that I had to watch Master and Commander and soon.

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