More than a line edit

That is what the edit of Love and Loyalty is turning into. I started off just trying to bring my sentence construction up to my current standards. However as I have mentioned here I discovered a glaring fault in chapter two, with the feedback from the MG Writers group, and so that means a total re-write of chapter ttwo.

Now I have found several scenes that would greatly enhance the novel with their addition. Some were scenes that existed in the plot, but were handled ‘off-screen’ as it were. Some were scenes I knew about but never wrote into the narrative because I thought it worked without them. Now I understand hat I need to expand the POV of the novel and employ more of Hitchcock’s ‘ticking Bomb theory of suspense.’



2 thoughts on “More than a line edit

  1. Bear

    No, Bob, you are a good writer becoming better. If you were a hack you would see nothing wring with your earlier work. Indeed, you would think it sent straight from the muse. Cheer up! Your development as a writer is starting to hit the exciting part (also the part that is the most taxing). 🙂

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