Writing the Book was Easy.

 Writing the Book was Easy.

Beta reader feedback is coming in on The Wolves of Wallace point and the signs are good. There aren’t any major issues that people have a consensus on and as such no major rewrites or revision required at this stage.

I have drafted a query letter to use in the search for an agent to represent me and my horror writings but before I can start that process, I must tackle the toughest part of the writing, the synopsis.

I recall an interview with the master Japanese director Kurosawa when the interviewer asked him what the message in his latest film Ran was. Kurosawa replied, through a translator, that if the message was simple enough to be an answer to a question, he wouldn’t have made the film he would have just stood on a corner with a sign.

It took 97,000 words to tell the story of The Wolves of Wallace point and now I must retell it in something like 1000 words and still make it compelling, interesting, and engaging.

This is way I would rather just jump into the next book.


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