Daily Archives: January 20, 2021

Trump is Gone but the Work Goes On


Today, 20 Jan 2021, Donald Trump, grifter, liar, sexist pig, and the man responsible for more American deaths than all of the USA’s casualties from the Second World War and the only President to be impeached twice and who inspired and incited a seditious attempt to overthrow our democratic system of government, finally loses his grip on the power he so never deserved to be become, hopefully, our first and only pariah ex-president.

While Trump, his family of coconspirators and conmen along with their retinue of henchmen, yes-men, racists, and scoundrels, have exited the executive branch the festering pestilence that gave rise to them remains unburnt shot through with the spores for the next generation of monsters.

Let’s be clear, levelheaded conservative philosophy is not the genesis of this rot but what the Republican party has become, after decades of playing to bigots of all types, is an anti-democratic party motivated by fear, hatred, and an eternal point of view that the world is forever victimizing them and in American being them victim of injustice justifies all manner of violence. From County music to Rap and in media from novels to feature films has been the glorification of revenge of the wronged and that fact that this poisonous political philosophy is not being victimized matters not at all. They believe to be true and in that find the justification to murder police officers defending our capitol. The mob has been dispersed but its members remain.

In the halls of Congress Representative and Senators furiously are trying to wash away Trump’s foul stink. Some play to his base while most attempt to play us, with words of how bad Trump was and how he lied. Yes, he lied and you stood by as he lied for your team, your cause, and said nothing. Trump’s people are not purged from the party, that control the party. The RNC chairperson dropped from her name the family surname that irritated Trump and bent her knee to him. She has retained her power and her fealty to Trump.

The GOP must be burnt to the group and rebuilt. The path ahead is long, hard, and I fear holds much violence, you cannot have literally millions of people convince that their ‘election’ was stolen without some taking matters into their own hands, but we must press on, we must fight for our republic and our union.

