Daily Archives: January 9, 2021

Concessions Are Critical


We are all familiar with the stories of Japanese Imperial Army soldiers isolated and out of contact on tiny islands that for years after the end the war continued fighting serving a cause that had ended with loyalty and devotion. The dedication to death of the Imperial Japane3se soldier seemed incomprehensible to Western eyes and was a cause of grave concern when planning the invasion of Japan’s home island. Major loss of life was avoided by Emperor Hirohito’s unprecedented radio announcement of the Empire surrender.

Surrender is the concession that you have lost the war and it is the permission structure that allows dedicated and loyal soldiers to lay down their arms and fight no more. It was the case for Imperial japan, for Nazi Germany, and the traitorous South in the American Civil War.

Following Biden’s victory in November there were a number of pieces published with the sentiment that while it would be nice if Trump conceded the election it was in no way a requirement. They argue that legally a defeated candidate’s concession held no weight on the matter, the process did not call for it and the transfer of power will proceed without. This is true for the legal argument. Nothing in the law requires the defeated candidate to give a concession speech or act with the honor that we expect from our election leaders but there is much more to this than legality.

Wednesday’s assault on Congress, instigated by the President after months of lies, was an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power by a political force that has not accepted defeat and it has not accepted that defeat because there has been no surrender, no concession. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the facts of the matter not only dishonor our process but in no unsubtle ways advises his followers that the fight is not over, that they do not have permission to lay down their metaphorical and all too often real arms in the fight. The absence of a surrender does the exact opposite it lays out the expectation that every true follower will continue the fight and never recognize their collective defeat. Concessions are not optional they are critical to political process but we must face the reality that Trump will never concede. His narcissistic ego will not allow it he will forever wail that he was cheated and in doing so will give continual permission for his followers to wage real war on his behalf. When senior Republicans asked, “what harm does it do?” in allowing Trump rants and lies about the results of the election aided and abetted by the likes of Cruz, Hawley, and McConnel, this is the answer, putsches and violence and we have yet to see the end of that.

We cannot force Trump to concede. Because we cannot obtain from Trump what our system so desperately requires, we cannot extend an olive branch of healing to either Trump or his followers. In the debate should Trump be prosecuted to the full extent of the law some have argued our nation requires  that we do not to heal our divisions and that may have worked in a world where Trump conceded but that is not the world we live in. Trump has not surrendered his war on our democracy and so we cannot abandon the fight. Our system of self-government would not survive if we did. Trump must be prosecuted for all his crimes and the so must every single person who violates the law for his cause.

I have no illusion that the years ahead are going to be difficult. I fully expect that of the millions who have accepted the lies that this election was ‘stolen’ there more than a few willing to commit violence even after Trump’s departure from the White House. The attempts to kidnap a sitting governor, to subvert elected government are not over.

When the enemy army is in the field and pressing their attacks, no matter how hopeless, is not the time to abandon your positions and give them the field.
