Daily Archives: February 18, 2020

Revisiting Get Out

Sunday night I got online and hunted around to see if any of my streaming services were offering up 1981’s The Howling. After one false sign that it was currently on Shudder, it wasn’t’, I moved to my fall back movie for the evening and re-watched get Out.

Jordan Peele’s first film has been described by the writer/director as ‘sociological horror’ with a tag line that I think many minorities could associate with, ‘Because you’re invited doesn’t mean you’re welcome.’ If follows Chris as he goes for a weekend with his girlfriend Rose back to meet her liberal and ultimately sinister parents. Chris, who is black, stands out quite a bit in the white New England suburb where Rose’s family lives. Both a horror and a science-fiction film Get Out won an Oscar for best original screenplay, a rare feat for a genre film.

This is a movie that fired on all cylinders when I watched in during tis theatrical run and I can gladly announce it still does a few. While Peele’s follow-up film US is a masterpiece of mood and tension that story and world-building doesn’t hang together for me as effectively as it does here with Get Out.

