Daily Archives: February 17, 2020

My Long Weekend

This past weekend was a very satisfying one for me. Thursday, I traveled to Disneyland and hung out with a friend I have not seen for a few years. The original plan was to be with two pals but financial issue at the last moment grounded one of my friends. We hung about in Galaxy’s Edge, though we did not get a boarding Pass that would have allowed us onto the newest attracting, explored other areas of the park, and had a smashing good time getting caught up on each other’s lives. After about 7 hours of walking my knees sent their vehement protests and we called it day so I could drive home to San Diego.

Friday through Saturday I spent at the 34th annual Southern California Writers Conference. This is the third time I have attended the particular conference and it is small intimate gathering of writers and agents to share the craft. There were many good seminars and workshops during the daylight hours and in the evening I participated in read and critique sessions giving my meager opinion on some fantastic writing. I got valuable feedback on a work in progress of mine and all in all had a great time with friends and expanded my skill set.

The Conference continued into Sunday, but I skipped out on the last day not because it had suddenly turned dull but because I wanted to spend my Sunday in my traditional manner, with my sweetie-wife. We did not go to the zoo, perhaps just as well as I feel I may have pushed my knees a bit far, had a lovely lunch at one of our favorite spots, and generally enjoyed each other’s company.

Here’s hoping your weekend was similarly enjoyable.
