Daily Archives: November 26, 2019

The Crown: Season 3

I’m shocked how much I have enjoyed the Netflix series The Crown. Never has the drama surrounding the Royal Family been of interest to me and yet when I started episode one season on I watch instantly captivated by the fantastic writing, the rich characters, and view of history that I had never before seen. Now we finally have season three and new cast to re create these characters as they progress into middle age and the new age of intense public scrutiny.

I was a little concerned about a new cast. I understood the need to do the change over, there is only so much that old age make-up can do and if w are to follow the same characters over a fifty year plus arc then that will dictate recasting the parts as the characters age.

My concerns were unfounded.

Of course Olivia Coleman, now an Oscar winning actor, performed magnificently, but she always so perfectly captured the same character as Claire Foy that in my mind when I recall a scene it can b either actor’s voice in my memory. Tobias Menzies, whom I have seen in so many parts that he has become part of the established background of many British shows, is fantastic as Phillip. He lays it differently than Matt Smith and yet I can still seem the same person. Menzies so excels at the quite interior scene conveying massive emotion and turmoil without uttering a sound that it is nearly criminal that the man does get even more work. He manages an evocative performance that is quite unlike anything I have seen from his past projects. Helena Bonham Carter as party girl Princess Margaret is charming and he scenes with Clancy Brown as LBJ are the comedic highlight so far of this season. (I am about 4 episodes in.)

The episode I watched last night that brought in Phillip’s mother was deeply touching and it awakened my missing my own mother. Family is family.

Over all this season holds up the powerful and personal stories that propelled the earlier seasons to well deserved awards.
