Daily Archives: August 30, 2018

A Hectic Week

The week is not yet completed and already I must declare that is has been terribly hectic. Monday, in addition to the usual baggage that comes with the start of a work week followed two very short weeks that surrounded the World SF Convention, making the return to the day job just a tad more tiring than usual. Things really got interesting Monday evening/Tuesday morning.

At 2:14 am Tuesday morning the power to our condo building failed. It had apparently flickered a little earlier, enough to set our electronic telephone beeping, waking both my sweetie-wife, and me but after the incessant beeping awoke us things looked fine. The full failure of course not only stopped the air conditioning but my CPAP machine as well. After years of using its therapy to treat my apnea trying to sleep without it proved very stressful. I awoke from my turbulent slumber Tuesday morning with a migraine.

Outside out building five SDG&E trucks and their crews, including a crane, were busily working to restore the electric service. Luckily the migraine medication worked quickly and I was able to report to work.

Naturally the stress, the headache, and the lack of sleep made that Tuesday a particularly long work day and distorting the day’s duration even more it was the day of our ‘all hands’ meeting. Dull at the best of time the long session of reports on the company’s plans and achievements wore quite thin.

I wish I could say that returning home that evening meant nothing but easy relaxation but that would not be true. While the power flowed again in our building I faced a submission deadline. Pitch Wars is a program that joins aspiring author with experienced professional author is help them polish their manuscripts, query letters, and culminate with an agents showcase, this year I needed to take part in the program. In order to get my material in I need to submit them Tuesday night, the deadline expired on Wednesday at 7 P.M. local time and I return from my day job about 6:15 leaving precious little time to submit. It had to be Tuesday or not at all. So stressed, exhausted, and with a headache I cut a three page synopsis down to a single page, got the rest of the application in order and sent it off.

I am hoping that the rest of the week proves to be easier and that on Sunday when I attend the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival this rush non-stop week will allow me a few hours of simple terror.
