Daily Archives: August 18, 2018

WorldCon Report #1

I am on vacation at the 76th World Science Fiction Conventions, held this year in San Jose California. We arrived on Thursday, the first day of the convention, but luckily hours before the con actually started. One reason to booked early morning flights. Unfortunately, the only hotel I could book for the entire run of the con is half a mile from the convention center, so we get a lot of walking in each day. It looks like the average will be about 5 miles per day.

Now if you frame of reference in the San Diego ComicCon then you are off by an order of magnitude in the size of this convention. SDCC gets something like 150,000 people attending and the WorldCon this year is looking at around 6000. However that is a plus in my book. The smaller size makes for a more social environment and it is easier mingle with the program participants. SDCC is fun for a lot of people but it is not my cup of tea. (Though I did have a lovely cuppa with the talent Gail Carriger yesterday. The tea cured my headache, so score one for the Brits praise for their beverage.)

I have attended some great panels, the most informative one was on medical emergencies in space and the challenges for stopping bleeding or doing operations, and I have some great leads on writers’ workshop that may help me through this difficult period.

I will not be doing a daily post during the conventions but I will try to check in from time to time with a few thoughts.

Follow my Instagram and Facebook for photos and quick hits.
