Daily Archives: August 21, 2018

WorldCon Report: Wrap-up

My sweetie-wife and I have returned home and the 76th World Science-Fiction Convention has now passed into history. This was not the best Worldcon I have attended but neither was it the worst. On most days of the convention there are enough panels of interest to not only keep me going to morning until night but also to create conflict with wanting to be in several panels at once with the exception being the final day on the convention. In the morning I attended two panels, one very interesting one on bleeding and how to control it, and then my sweetie-wife and I departed the convention for a local attraction, a science and technology museum. (That was fun and cool but not as cool as the tech Museum in Chicago where we saw a full WWII German U-Boat.)

The convention did what I needed it to do, it let me spend time hanging with cool friends, revitalize my flagging spirits, acquire valuable tips and resources, and inspire creative ideas for further projects.

I saw almost nothing the ‘protests’ that occurred on Saturday and aside from the final day being thin on programing I had a lovely time.

I am now out of conventions until LosCon over Thanksgiving Weekend but I have one writer’s workshop in January paid for scoping out the Cascade Writer’s Workshop for next July.

Today and tomorrow are for relaxation and then back to the day job and pressing my nose back to the grindstone.

