Daily Archives: January 31, 2011

Sunday Night Movie: The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension

So it looks like I will get to my Sunday Night Movie feature after all! Anyway after a spate of fairly serious and heavy films I was in the mood this sunday for fare that was lighter and just fun to watch. It had been a piece of time since I last pulled out my DVD of The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension so between time and mood this was the perfect film for me.

Buckaroo Banzai is a film that has a very idiosyncratic response in people who see it. Either people fall in love with this stranger quirky movie and quote it for years, or they scratch their heads and wonder how anyone could like something so utterly stupid. There seems to be almost no middle-ground reaction.

This film is at heart a pulp adventure, much along the lines of say a Doc Savage story, if you are familiar with those books. The titular character, Buckaroo Banzai is at once, a physicist, a surgeon, and a rock star. On all these fields he is perhaps the best. He has surrounded himself with a talented team of characters at the Banzai Institute. They combat evil, improve mankind lot in the world, and play concerts to adoring fans. If this is all too over the top for your, then this movie is not for you. It has the feel not only of a pulp adventure, but also of someone role playing game writ large and with credible actors playing the parts. Continue reading
