Daily Archives: January 3, 2011

Sunday Night Movie: Robocop

Well, the Sunday Night Movie feature now turns 50! Not 50 years of course, but this is number 50 for my Sunday Night Movie posts.

I started the Sunday Night Movie more than fifty movies ago, but I did not blog about it at first. The movie events started for me when I noticed a convergence of two factors. The first was that  had a large and growing library of films on DVD and Blu-ray, but I didn’t always make time to watch any of them. I would think about them, a title would pop into my head during the day and I’d think ,’Man, it’d be good to see that movie again.’ However life would catch up with me and I wouldn’t watch anything. So I committed myself to a movie every Sunday night.

The second factor was that my sweetie-wife and I have divergent tastes in movies. There are plenty of films we watch and enjoy together, but some not so much. The Sunday Night Movie became a time when I could screen a film that was not to her tastes. (Such as the blood-tastic violent film I watched last night.) Continue reading


Really Interesting Medical News

Scientists have developed a cancer test that can detect free-floating cancer cells in the blood stream. It is sensitive enough to detect individual cancer cells at a ratio of one to one billion.

This is really incredible stuff people. The yahoo article is basic, but once this gets refined and mass produced it will dramatically effect cancer survival rates in my untrained opinion.

I am getting to the age where I think about such things much more often than I used to and news likes this brightens my day.
