Daily Archives: December 7, 2023

The Crown Has Lost Its Glitter


I was shocked when I got totally sucked into Netflix’s series The Crown. I am not and never have been a Royal Watcher. The Royal Family of the U.K., or any nation for that matter, has had little interest to me. At heart I am a lower caser republican.

However, the first season with the young Elizabeth as a dram seized my imagination and I was hooked for the first four seasons of this drama.

Season 5 came around and it took me quite a while to get through the entire run of ten episodes. Not because it was bad, the production quality remained outstanding, the cast impressive in their talents, and writing sharp, I just didn’t care. What I didn’t and don’t care about is the Charles and Diana show.

Their ‘fairy tale’ romance held little interest for me when it happened, their marriage and its trouble held even less. I do remember when she died because I was at a WorldCon and there were some tasteless parties the final night, but, as with all celebrity deaths, it occupied very little of my mind.

Last night I started season six episode one. I didn’t not finish. I don’t care about her relationship with Dodi, I don’t care about his with Camilla. The last two seasons, much like the Hobbit trilogy, has wandered far afield from the character it was supposed to fixate upon.
