Odds and Ends


So here are a few tidbits of personal news and happenings. Nothing earthshaking just life.

My novel in progress is coming along nicely. It is a military SF novel and this week it will likely pass 38,000 words written out of a total that should land somewhere in the area of 100,000. This version — I have written the story before to less than satisfactory results — is flowing much better and perhaps is even coming out better. I am averaging just over 1100 words a day five days a week.

Saturday, I ran the last session of my Space Opera for probably a month. Health concerns in my household are going to take up the majority of my time until late March. I am very pleased to say that the session was a success and while we ended in the middle of an adventure people seemed happy.

Royalty statements show sporadic sales of my published novel, Vulcan’s Forge but there is apparently no recovery from having the book released the same week that the world closed for the 2-year pandemic. Such is life. I can only move forward from here.


