Daily Archives: January 10, 2022

A Disappointing Noir: The Lineup (1958)


Included with the Blu-ray set Noir Archive: Volume 3 The Lineup from 1958 in my opinion scarcely qualifies a film noir and rather a poor police procedural. Despite being penned by noted screenwriter Sterling Silliphant and directed by veteran filmmaker Don Siegal the movie plays like a larger budget television series episode which is understandable as it adapted from a TV and radio show of the same name.

After a stolen luggage job goes wrong at the steamship docks leaving a cop and a cabbie dead police inspectors Guthrie and Quine start searching for the members of a narcotics ring that uses unsuspecting passengers to smuggler rather small amounts of heroin through customs. Simultaneously a hitman, his handler, and a local get away driver, are crisscrossing San Francisco retrieving the contraband murdering as they go.

While The Lineup has some nice location shooting and captures much of the flavor of the city by the bay the film is ultimately too sedate to be of much interest. The Inspectors are never emotionally involved in their case and the hitman and his handler are too unsympathetic to be engaging characters despite some minor quirks to make them at least superficially interesting. Over all my verdict is that there is no need to seek out this movie as there are far better low budget noirs to watch.
