Rescinding Rights


The current Supreme Court of the United States is on the verge of rescinding a right from half of the population. The case argued this week about Mississippi’s blatantly unconstitutional ban on abortions after 15 weeks is a direct strike at overturning Roe vs Wade and the court’s conservative caucus looks to the favorable to the idea of overturning a precedent in the name of stripping a right from the people.

Stripping rights, refusing to accept legitimate defeats, seeking to alter regulation to rig future elections and of course supporting a insurrection to overthrow an election makes the conservative movement in the country a danger to us all.

Until the current version of the party is burned to the ground and rebuilt the GOP should be denied every office they attempt to hold. This will not happen, but it must be the aim of every true patriot and not the fake once dressing up their dreams of autocracy in our flag, disgracing our nation.
