The GOP Do Over 2: Electric Boogaloo


18 years ago, following the dot-com implosion and rolling blackouts across the state cause my politics and not by infrastructure issues crippled California a Republican spearheaded recall election removed the Democratic governor, Gray Davis, from office. At the time and to this day I refer to this as the GOP do-over. In 2002 Davis ran and won re-election against Republican Bill Simon. It should be noted that the California GOP has last held the Governorship with Pete Wilson in the 1990 and after the anti-immigrant and arguably racist drive to pass Proposition 187 denying services to undocumented persons the Republicans have failed to win statewide offices. Simon was a particularly bad campaigner. The economic crisis of the dotcom bust, the horrid electrical supply failures, and a deeply unpopular increase in automobile registration fee gave the GOP the tools and leverage to initiate and succeed at a recall campaign. If they were unable to win a popular vote in a statewide campaign, they could possibly take the office with a mere plurality of votes in a special election. That’s exactly what happened, 55% of the voters who showed up voted for the recall, turning Davis out of office, but only 48.6% voted for the man who replaced him, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The GOP, having now even further right than before and without Arnold’s moderate stances and celebrity status they have been driven again from statewide offices, are using the COVID-19 pandemic as the crisis in their attempts to recall Governor Gavin Newsom. I have no deep well of affection for either Davis or Newsom and Newsom’s handed his political enemies numerous PR knives with which to stab him but he, nor Davis before him, has committed and abuse of office or malfeasance that warrants a recall from office. This is once again the Republicans, too far too the right to gain a majority of votes from the population, trying to secure an office that are unable to win in any general election. Reflecting the national GOP, California Republicans instead of moderating their policies and positions seek to ‘rule lawyer’ their way into power and damn the will of the people.

I urge everyone in this state to do as I am doing and voting ‘No’ on this recall.


2 thoughts on “The GOP Do Over 2: Electric Boogaloo

  1. Bob Evans Post author

    1) California is essentials a 1 party state because the GOP is unable or unwilling to field candidates that appeal the electorate.
    2) ‘low character’ and ‘jackass’ interesting complaints from a person who protests that the anti-Trump vote in 2020 was driven by people not ‘liking his personality’
    3) ‘Incredibly high bar’, to score a real petition in California requires only signatures of only 12% of th last election’s electorate. One of the lowest bars in the nation and the GOP still wouldn’t have met that standard if the deadline hadn’t been extended due to the pandemic. the sort of voting modification the GOP cries foul and stolen when it favors th other team.

  2. Brad

    Maybe if the Democrats, essentially running a single-party State, hadn’t elevated such a low character as Newsom to Governor, and maybe if Newsom hadn’t acted as such a jackass as Governor, then maybe the incredibly high-bar of calling a recall election couldn’t have been reached.

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