Crossing The Bridge


Last night my sweetie-wife and I finished the fourth and final season of the Swedish/Danish television series The Bridge.

As a season and as a series it reached a satisfying conclusion wrapping up the various threads of both the current multiple murder investigation that drove the season’s plot and the long running character arcs.

Looking back over all four seasons with the exception of a misstep in virology late in season two the series maintained an exceptional level of skill in story, character, and production. The MVP of the show remained from episode one through the final scene Sofia Helin’s portrayal of Swedish homicide detective Saga Noren. Helin’s skills as an actor are tremendous. She fully inhabits Saga and never misses when she’s required to communicate her character’s inner thoughts and doubts non-verbally. Her costars are all competent and talented actors, but it is always clear that Helin is the shows center and its star.

The concept of the series, cross border investigations driven in part by a transnational bridge proved too tempting not to be duplicated and the series spawned reinterpretations set along six national divides including the US and Mexico.

When my sweetie-wife first wanted to watch this series, it was not available on any of the streaming services, and she purchased the UK Blu-ray release as we own a region free Blu-ray player. Now the original series is available on Amazon prime and if you have even a passing interest in Nordic Noir, I can’t recommend the series enough.

