Daily Archives: March 12, 2020

Two Weeks until Publication

In two weeks, Mach 26th 2020, my novel Vulcan’s Forge will be available at all booksellers in paperback and hardback editions from Flametree Press. Yesterday my US edition author copies arrived and I got my first look at the hardbacks.

They look great, but I could be biased.

This has been a moment a long time coming. The first time I attempted writing a novel was 1979 in my senior year of high school. Freeholder was a post-apocalyptic story about liberal pacifist survivalist. I did complete it so it counts as my first novel and no it is never going to see the light of day.

There have been other novels in between, though it wasn’t until fairly recently that I returned to the novel as a format. Some of those recent books I plan to re-write and there even one currently under consideration by a couple of publishers including my current home of Flametree.

In just over two weeks, March 28th 2020, I will be holding my author event and signing for Vulcan’s Forge, provided it is not canceled due to Corona Crisis, at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego. I’ll admit to be quite nervous about a public reading and signing but it is part of the gig.

