Hypocrisy Exposed

The truth is what I am about to say is pointless, those who agree with me will at best quote Die Hard  with the line ‘Welcome to the party, pal’ and those who disagree I think can never be persuaded but here goes anyway.

When the GOP pursues voter I.D. laws across the country their refrain is  that the actions are required to protect the sanctity of our elections. That these laws and changed to election systems are necessary to prevent voter fraud because nothing can be more important the safeguarding out election. It is outrageous that some voice suggest that the true purpose of these changes are in fact to suppress vote totals that may favor the GOP’s electoral opponents.

Of course at the time there was already plenty of evidence that ‘safeguarding election’ had nothing to do with the GOP’s intent. Absentee ballots already a rich source for vote tampering, see North Carolina’s 9th district as an example, and a source of votes that favors the GOP never seemed in need of protection. Now we have even greater proof that the GOP’s concern has always been victory over principle.

Naturally I am referring to Russia’s interference in our 2016 Presidential election and the Intelligence community’s assessment that they plan to continue attempting to influence the outcomes of our electoral processed. These are cold facts. Russian had a preferred candidate in the 2016 Presidential campaign, they orchestrated a sophisticated intelligencer operations stretching across many front and achieved their goals, and their preferred candidate now sits in the highest office of the land.

Even before the Mueller Report was completed and published Russian interference was a known fact and the GOP did nothing.

When the GOP controlled both Houses of the congress and could have passed laws taking sole credit for ‘safeguarding our election’ they did nothing.

When the President makes an open invitation for foreign powers to help his re-election the GOP does nothing.

Of you can find ‘statement’ and ‘deep concern’ but talk is cheap and character is revealed by action or in this case inaction.

It has never been about electoral integrity, integrity has never had anything to do with the GOPs actions. It is about power, pure and simple.

These are not the actions of patriots.
