Daily Archives: September 13, 2018

A New Short Hits the Digital Shelves

A theme I often return to again and again in various pieces if the concept of machine intelligence and possible implication.

I am fascinated by artificial intelligence though I think many writers, particularly of the screenplay variety, rarely think deeply about in the interaction of physical form and how that drives intelligence. More often than not A.I. are treated as people with just a different box housing the intelligence. It’s very common in the Western Tradition to think of the mind and the body as independent effects, divorced and without impact on one another.  Consider how well worn the trope is of the mind transfer. That one person’s entire mind, their memories and thoughts can be moved to another person’s body. Granted this sort of thing is more often in fantasy fiction where magic can be used to induce the switch, but it is fairly common in Science-Fiction as well. And yet we are all very aware of how brain damage can alter personality, distort memory, and influence emotions. The vessel for the intelligence shapes the intelligence and I believe that machine intelligence in some ways will be utterly alien to us and perhaps even incomprehensible.

My most recent short story — Any Landing …– now published in Newmyths.com issue #44, explores the concept of human forced to exist with a machine intelligence it created but cannot comprehend.

The site is free so drop by and give the stories there a read.
