Why is Trump Deferential to Putin?

Even before last week’s terrifying and subservient joint press conference it’s been clear that Donald Trump not only admires Vladimir Putin, but also actively defers to the former KGB operative. On the world’s stage his displayed the true colors of his ‘America First’ philosophy, blame America first.

Without any reasonable question it is fact that the Russian government engaged in a wide-ranging, committed, and vigorous operation to influence the 2016 presidential campaign seeking to benefit Donald Trump and deny Hillary Clinton the office of President. Since taking office, with the American Intelligence community in rare unanimity concerning the Russian operation the Trump administration has taken no actions punishing the Russian for their attacks on our democracy, no measure to safeguard future elections, nor utter even a mild condemnation. Why?

Before I explore the theories as to why Trump takes no action and defers to Putin let me set aside, for the moment, the question of collusion. Those charges are being investigated and we should await the information produced before coming to a conclusion.

Theory 1: Putin has something on Trump.

This covers a lot of potential ground, everything from damaging salacious material to financial pressure due to the nature of the Trump Organization’s funding. The opaque natures of the Organization and Trump’s refusal to disclose his finances and tax records keep such suspicions alive.

Theory 2: Trump and Putin are simpatico.

It is possible that Trump and Putin share a worldview and as such come to similar conclusion about the world and what is happening.

Theory 3: Trump’s ego is too fragile.

The crux of this idea is that Trump is incapable of admitting any concept that weakens his electoral victory. His ego demands that his victory be a product of his ‘very stable genius’ and any condemnation or recognition of Russia interceding on his behalf undercuts this and challenges his fragile self-image.

Theory 4: Trump is naive.

This one speaks to the fact that Trump is in experienced as a politician and when confronted with news he dies not like, that the Russian decidedly interceded on his behalf, and a sooth experienced manipulator such as Putin telling him what he wants to hear, Trump is unable to separate what he wants from what is true.

There’s a lot of differences between those four theories, swinging from being in the pocket of a foreign power to simply being thick in the head but here is one thing I think is inescapable no matter which theory turns to to bets fit the facts:

ANY of these means he is incapable of being a proper president. No person cripple by any of these conditions can be trusted with the awesome powers of the US Presidency.
