Daily Archives: July 31, 2018

The James Gunn Affair is not Over

There are two major continuing elements to the internet fueled controversy surrounding Disney’s firing of James Gunn from not only the Guardians of the Galaxy films but also from participation in the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The first is the firing and presumable replacement for Gunn as writer/director of the massively successful franchise. Popular with fans, beloved by the cast, and having made the studio a metric ton of money Gunn’s dismissal has sparked a furious backlash and even though production is slated to start in early 2019, right around the corner and massive tent-pole production terms, no replacement has been named. Bob Iger, head of Disney, has been on vacation and made no public statement concerning the kerfuffle. It is possible, given spurious nature of the charges, the public outcry, including a petition to reinstate Gunn that has gathered more than 3000,000 signature, and the massive risk to one of the studio’s premier properties, that Iger may reverse the hasty decision and try to sail on as though nothing of note happened in the mad days of summer. We have no evidence either supporting or undercutting the possible course of action but I fervently hope it comes to pass.

Second is the continuing political ramification of the affair. Make no bones about it, this had nothing to do with good taste, offensive unfunny jokes, or alt-right trolls clutching their pearls and requiring smelling salts after suffering psychic damage from Gunn’s distasteful styling. This was a political hit job. As a prominent progressive with a large soapbox and sharp disagreement with Trump’s administration Gunn represented a danger and a target for the alt-Right. They mobilized, launched a cynical ploy, and succeeded in scaring a corporation into damaging its image and collection a pelt for their collection at the same time. Already a number of comedian have come under similar attacks, Michael Ian Black, Patton Oswald, and Sarah Silverman, have all seen the trolls digging up past comments and tweets in an attempt to replicate this outcome. What are the common elements among these individuals? They are comedians, people who often go for shock as a method of entertainment, and they are all outspoken liberals and heavily critical of the current administration. If a tactic succeeds it will be repeated. If Gunn’s firing stands then the Alt-Right will employ this attack again and again.

It is imperative that the ends here and that this ends now.
