Film whiplash

This past week my sweetie and I watched ‘The Spy Who Loved Me,’ as I continued my progress through all the Bond films in release order.

Man oh man the 70s were a bad time for Bond. This camp simply does not work for me. My sweetie had never seen this film and could only react to it in an MST3K manner. I really don’t blame her. I don;t know if she’ll endure Moonraker whenever I get around to that steaming pile.

However today I got the blu-ray for ‘Skyfall’ and just going through the bonus material is going to induced a case of whiplash over story quality. Where ‘Spy’ has a plot, and a bad one at that, ‘Skyfall’ has a story.


One thought on “Film whiplash

  1. Missy

    I truly enjoyed Skyfall. It was the first Bond film I’ve been to see in many years and it was really enjoyable – both to me and my husband.

    To be quite honest, I remember seeing Moonraker, possibly with you, when it came out. We liked it then, but who say that the young have taste? The few adorable moments are not worth having to endure the rest of it.

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