Monthly Archives: January 2013

Dangerous Musings

First off let me state that I am not a Christian nor am I by far an expert in Christian Theology. I know what I heaver learned I Sunday School, and a lifetime of fascination with humanity and its religion in general. However, snark aside, I don’t see where my reasoning if wrong.
In God’s glorious and perfection heaven, this is no evil and nothing can be wrong. For those who are saved, and therefore absolved of their earthly sins, heaven is a timeless infinity in the presence of your loved one, provided that they were also saved, and God’s eternal, merciful, and loving spirit,
Love is God’s greatest gift, and it is not only expected but required that we love one another, but the love of spouse is an elevated love, it is a love created by the special bonds that ties you to another person for life. It is expressed by a commitment to that person, and that person alone, forsaking all others. In the traditional Christian view, marriage is a lifetime vow, broken only by death.
Death does however break it, and those who have tragically lost their spouse are not excluded from the matrimonial love, but are allowed to marry again, recommitting their vows ‘until death do them part.’ The dangers of childbirth, no greatly reduced by modern medicine and clean hands, robbed many a family of their mother and many a man of his wife, creating the need for the second wife, the step-mother.
In heaven you are reunited with your loved who preceded you into God’s graces. That means you must be reunited with your previous spouses, whom you did love unto death, and you will be joined by the spouses you left behind when you passed away. In heaven many will live forever in perfect harmonious polyamarous relationships. What is good in heaven cannot be evil on earth. Evil and wrongness have no place in God’s grace, therefore poly relationships built upon love and respect can only mirror God’s will for the afterlife of the just and cannot be considered immoral , unnatural, or sinful, but only a proper expression of his divine plan on earth as it is in heaven.
For the record I am not poly either, but the logic still seems watertight to me.


This is different

I watched Apollo 17 lift off in the night, taking our brave men on the final American trip to the moon. I know that we went, but lots of people like to believe that it was all faked. Here’s an excellent take down of that stupid stupid idea, from a perspective I had not seen before. It’s about 15 minutes, but worth it.


A busy busy week

The day job has been a real job all week long. Yesterday started out slow, and I even began composing an essay on the latest rewatch in my James Bond adventure (The Man With the Golden Gun,) but a sudden power failure, stole the piece and I have ventured to recreate it yet.

I have finished the first draft of my latest novel ‘Command and Control,” and I have even finished the revision pass, but I discovered that there were scenes needed that I had neglected to write. So I’m doing what they call in Hollywood, pick-ups. Writing those scenes, smoothing them out, and editing them into the piece so the story will flow properly. I expect to have that done by the middle of next week and then I’ll turn it over to my sweetiw-wife for her proofread pass. After that, Beta readers!

I had a really rough day today. Lots of work at the day job. People making the work harder than it needed to me. The bleeding air conditioning came on and by afternoon I was freezing with my toes colder that Captain America down for a nap. Luckiyl things turned for the better when I got home.

I sold a short story to an electronic online magazine, Encounters. My story, Proof of Principle, if all goes well, will appear in the next issue due out Feb 1. It was only a token payment, but as I really loved this story I am so very happy to share it with a real readership.


thats all for now.





Mass Murder and Our Culture

There is no doubt that America suffers a high rate of spree killings than other nations.  A lot of attention is given to the number and availability of firearms in this country because of this, but I believe that this is looking at symptoms and not causes. After all Switzerland has lots of firearms and doesn’t have the problem. The problem and the causes are far deeper than the tools used to create the effect.

The primary cause in my opinion is that we are a culture that venerates the concept of righteous revenge.  Revenge is often the motivation of both our heroes and our villains. Continue reading


Welcome to 2013 goodbye to 2012

Today was my first day job day back at the desk and so I can safely say that the new year has begun. Strangely New Year’s Day didn’t feel all that different to me yesterday. I stayed at home and relaxed, my sweetie-wife did some shopping and we played a couple of games. (Star Trek The Original Series: the Deck Building Game & Dominion, but fun games.)

I look back at 2012 and see that I achieved all my writing goals. Stories submitted to at least three pro-level publications, entered all four quarters of Writers of The Future, and completed the first draft of my latest novel. (That one was down to the wire with a Dec 28th final session.) Once the novel was completed in its first draft I relaxed and planned on no more writing for about a month.

My plan is to read the novels I have purchased, but have laid around on my Nook unread. In fact I have read two books already, Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint by Nancy Kress it is craft book on writing and it is very good. Also I finished reading last night, Zombie Movies  by Glenn Kay and encyclopedia of zombie movies from the 1930’s through about 2004. For novels I am currently reading The Apocalypse Codex by Charles Stross, and after that I have Snuff by Terry Pratchett, A Summer of Night by Dan Simmons and Quantum Coin by E.C. Myers.

Somewhere in the middle of all that I will start writing again about Feb, working on my next entry for the Writers of the Future, and then start revising Command & Control.After all that? Well, write another book.

