Daily Archives: September 27, 2011

Sunday Night Movie: The Breakfast Club

I was not a teenager when this film came out in 1985, I was 24 but still this movie had a strong and visceral impact on me. However for whatever reasons this is a film I have no memory of ever watching on Videotape, Laserdisc or DVD. I recently ordered the blu-ray via Netflix and Sunday night I st down to see if the film still had that old impact or had I changed too much.

Nope, this film is still a well written, directed, and acted movie that goes far deeper than many movies do in exploring human nature and human character. It’s kind of My Dinner With Andre but with a much greater relevance for teenagers.

At the start of the film you have five stereotypes for teenagers, the princess, the jock, the brain, the criminal, and the oddball. By the end of the movie John Hughes has deconstructed these characters into characters pulling off the impressive writing feating of not only making them into human beings, but sympathetic human beings.

The blu-ray had tons of good bonus material and I shall have to consider adding it to my library.

See this movie if you have not.

