Daily Archives: September 16, 2011


So you want me to believe that the conservative resistance to the HPV vaccine is purely about ‘Parental Rights’, or concerns that our children are being over immunized? How naïve do you think I am? (I’m not even touching Michelle ‘Madman’ Bachmann’s Jenny McCarthy’s like idiocy.)


Let’s take a quick look at recommended immunizations for children according to CDC.


Chicken Pox –Air and direct contact vectors

Diphtheria – Air and direct contact

Hib – Air and direct contact

HepA – Personal contact, Food, Water

Hep B – Blood, bodily fluids

Measles – Air and Direct Contact

Mumps – Air and direct contact

Pertussis  – air and direct contact

Polio – via the mouth

Pneumococcus – air and direct contact

Rotavirus – through the mouth

Rubella – air and direct contact

Tetanus – breaks in the skin

HPV – sexual activity



Only ONE of these immunizations has the conservatives in a lather, but I’m supposed to accept the premise that it’s NOT about the sex, but only a logical question of parental rights that somehow doesn’t get raised for any of the other immunizations? Yeah, right, and I’ve got some Unicorns to sell you.


If this was a fringe group grousing about the injections, sort like the fluoridation nuts of years past, I could ignore the whole issue, but these people are in the driver’s seat for the selection process for the presidential nominee. Leading politicians are bending knees and groveling to these idiots who believe it is better to risk cancer than sexual activity.
