Another good day

I had a slight twinge of a headache this morning, but a quick dose of my Rx killed that damnable thing before it could form. The mort irritating thing I have had to deal with is being do throughly tired today. For some unfathomable reason I could not get to sleep last night.

I crawled into bed, sleepy, about my usual time, 11 pm, but I could not get to sleep until past 1am. I dragged today, but still sleepy is better than living with a migraine.

Tonight I got another chapter edited, the final author’s note added to Horseshoe & Hand Grenades, and more ground work laid out for my D&D game, so I am not complaining. I expect to turn H&H over to my sweetie-wife for copyediting on saturday, then once she has finished with it and I have entered to changes, optimistically I am expecting few, it will register for my copyright notice and start formatting for publication. Maybe two or three weeks and it should eb available for sale. I’m still thinking 99 cents.


