Daily Archives: April 19, 2011

Not my best week

As you can see from the sheer number of Headache Log postings I have done, it’s been a pretty bad week for me and migraines. In fact in the last week I had one, just one, day where I did NOT have a headache, Saturday. Every other day has been from a mild headache to nasty nasty pain that has sent me to bed by 8:30.

Tomorrow I see the doctor again. I went two weeks without a headache and now I can’t seem to go two days. This has seriously sucked.


Headache Log

Awoke feeling off, but without headache,
By 9 am a headache began developing. By 10 am I was in a migraine with photophobia. The rx had been depleted so it went untreated until 6 pm when I got a refill of Rx and took a full dose.
