Monthly Archives: April 2011

Yeah Writing!

Today turned out to be a pretty good writing day. I have gotten a full two chapter corrected and saved, bringing my total to 11 chapters edited and corrected. The novel was originally 29 chapters long, but that number is no longer valid. Current count is 30, but I knew new chapters a waiting to be composed. Still I am a good way into the latest version and I fairly happy with the results.

I have to doff my hat to my writers group for their truly invaluable assistance. Their sharp and helpful critiques have shaped and strengthened this novel. The narrative flows better and the book starts stringer thanks to their feedback. If the headaches stay away, and I see my headache doc tomorrow, then I should be able to maintain a good flow on this project.




Been busy

But I have been good. I have been writing and editing on my novel and my anthology. The Anthology has been turned over to my sweetie-wife for final proofing. I hope to have it published by mid May.

I can’t take the time to post  a lot right now. Too tired after a restless night of just plain weird dreams.


Another good day

I had a slight twinge of a headache this morning, but a quick dose of my Rx killed that damnable thing before it could form. The mort irritating thing I have had to deal with is being do throughly tired today. For some unfathomable reason I could not get to sleep last night.

I crawled into bed, sleepy, about my usual time, 11 pm, but I could not get to sleep until past 1am. I dragged today, but still sleepy is better than living with a migraine.

Tonight I got another chapter edited, the final author’s note added to Horseshoe & Hand Grenades, and more ground work laid out for my D&D game, so I am not complaining. I expect to turn H&H over to my sweetie-wife for copyediting on saturday, then once she has finished with it and I have entered to changes, optimistically I am expecting few, it will register for my copyright notice and start formatting for publication. Maybe two or three weeks and it should eb available for sale. I’m still thinking 99 cents.




Glorious Day!

So I saw my headache doctor today. (To be pedantic, I saw the Physician’s Assistant, but she is sharp and on the ball so I am happy with her work.) The chain migraine were simply unbearable and growing in strength. Soon I would have been missing work at my day job, you know, the one that actually pays the bills.  So I arranged for a few hours off this morning and went for help.

Help I got.

I am current taking three medications to break the wide swath of inflammation that is apparently marching across my the surface of my brain as Nazis did across Europe. One pill combines two medications into a horse pill of operatic size, then there is another medication that I took a lot of today, I will take less on each day that follows until I am taking none by Monday.

This combination is working because for most of today I have been pain free. Of it is glorious to be back. Now, I am tired, my sleep has been disturbed, but man I feel so much better.

Tonight I actually got editing done on Love & Loyalty, a new chapter fully corrected and ready for placement in the final novel. I got more work done on Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, that should be ready for my sweetie-wifes cool corrections by the weekend. AND I got some cool idea put into place for my D&D (3.5 edition) game for this weekend.

All in all, as Boromir is wont to say in extended versions of the films, “Today is a good day.”


Not my best week

As you can see from the sheer number of Headache Log postings I have done, it’s been a pretty bad week for me and migraines. In fact in the last week I had one, just one, day where I did NOT have a headache, Saturday. Every other day has been from a mild headache to nasty nasty pain that has sent me to bed by 8:30.

Tomorrow I see the doctor again. I went two weeks without a headache and now I can’t seem to go two days. This has seriously sucked.


Headache Log

Awoke feeling off, but without headache,
By 9 am a headache began developing. By 10 am I was in a migraine with photophobia. The rx had been depleted so it went untreated until 6 pm when I got a refill of Rx and took a full dose.
