Daily Archives: August 4, 2023

A Dream That Disturbed With Its Pleasantness


Computer and email issues this morning so this post will be brief.

Wednesday night I had a dream that in itself was quite pleasant but upon awakening was very depressing.

I dreamt I visited a friend of mine who due to health issues is now in an assisted living facility. In the dream we talked, nothing of any terrible importance, just friends chatting.

Then I awoke.

It took the customary few seconds to sort out reality from the dream and as that process played out, I became depressed.

You see my friend is in an assisted living facility suffering from a degenerative neurological illness that gas robbed him of many motor functions including the ability to speak. This is not something one recovers from and that simple dream, sitting and chatting, is quite impossible.

It is not surprising that people flee from reality when reality is so often cold and cruel.
