Daily Archives: July 18, 2023

In The Arcade Of Life, You Get One Quarter


A few years ago, an analogy became popular that cis white men were playing the video game of life on ‘easy’ mode and anyone else played at increasing levels of difficulty. A decent analogy but not the one I am going to deploy today.

Life is like a well-stocked arcade with lots and lots of game cabinets for us to enjoy but we have only the one quarter. Death has surrounded me my entire life and if there is one thing that has been beaten into me it is that death comes for us all and none knows when that final moment will be upon us.

Now, you might think that the message I am going for in this piece is ‘seize the day,’ ‘live life to the fullest,’ or ‘follow you dreams,’ all good message but not the one I intend today.

No, today I say:


I do not know what it is like to live my life as Trans, gay, bi-sexual, poly, non-white, or any other of the near infinite varieties of human but I do know that like me, like everyone else, they get only one life. They are here only once and death stalks them with the same lack of remorse as it does me. I don’t care what it takes for them to live their single life fully and truthfully. As long as they are hurting no one else, it’s not my fucking business. And it’s no one else’s either!

I have no patience for those who think that their way of life is something to impose upon others. Life is hard and far too short. I have no interest in making it harder for anyone else, particularly for such petty reasons.

Every resource can be recycled, reclaimed, or replaced except time. So to those who aren’t going to listen to me anyone, stop fucking with their games and let them live their truthful lives.
