Daily Archives: February 28, 2023

My Online Absence



This week I returned to my blog after a bit of an extended absence.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed a wet spot on the floor of the dining area of our condo. when I went to get some napkins from the counter separating the kitchen from the dining area to clean it up, I discovered that all the napkins were soaked.

The unit above ours had sprung a plumbing leak in their kitchen and the water had invaded our kitchen, walls, and dining area.

For 10 days my sweetie-wife and I lived in a hotel with only so-so Wi-Fi while ServPro tore out kitchen, walls, ceiling, and flooring. We returned home just last Friday but as the studs had not completely dried, we endured all weekend loud blowers and de-humidifiers, and it was only yesterday that we could hear ourselves think in a living room.

Sadly, the adventure is not over. Now, the contractors have to arrive and schedule their work to rebuild everything. At some point I expect we’ll be forced out into a hotel again, hopefully one with better Wi-Fi.

Still, no one is injured, sick, dying, or dead, so while annoying it is all tolerable.
