Daily Archives: May 14, 2018

A Staggering Level of Corruption

People get used to things and what was once unthinking quickly becomes the new normal. Think upon gasoline, if the price were suddenly changed to $2 per gallon their would be cheers when at one time $2 a gallon would have provoked sharp and pain political punishment. This effect is found in narrative fiction as well. For continuing heroes, be they superheroes or slick spies, the stakes have to increase with every adventure or the audience becomes uninterested in the outcome.

With the current political administration we have, less than two years into its run already contracted scandal fatigue. Every single day it seems brings some new crisis, some new scandal, and some new evidence of corruption. The White acts besieged when its allies control both houses of congress.

It is my personal opinion that this is the most corrupt administration since the 19th century. If the stakes weren’t so high this would be farce, instead it is likely to end in tragedy.
