My Weekend

This weekend here in San Diego we host the 9th annual Kingdom-Con a gaming convention. Last year was the first time I attended and then only for a single day to scope it our and see what it was like. This year I purchased a full weekend pass.

1500 people attended the convention and they played role-playing game, card games, board games, toy based games, and miniature games. (And probably others that I never saw.) My sweetie-wife and I played mostly board and card games, though after She went home in the evening I stayed for more until midnight on Friday and Saturday including one role playing game session when the mechanic to determine if your character succeeded or failed at a task was pulling a block from a Jengatower. (I died first in that one.)

One game we played that I very much enjoyed was Nefarious, a comedic game of mad scientists creating insane inventions in their quest to take over the world. I also thought very highly of the Steve Jackson games Port Royaland Mars Attacks! The Dice Game.

Overall it was a pretty fun weekend.
