Sexual or Not?

photo credit: 20th Century Fox

Hypothesis A: In the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Chirrut and Baze are a long-term sexually pair-bonded couple.


The events observed in the film are consistent with this hypothesis.

No events in the film falsify this hypothesis.

This hypothesis is valid.


Hypothesis B: In the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Chirrut and Baze are a pair of bonded brothers in spirit without a sexual union.


The events observed in the film are consistent with this hypothesis.

No events in the film falsify this hypothesis.

This hypothesis is valid.


A person can hold either hypothesis A or B as both are valid and barring falsifying observations neither can be held as superior to the other. So if you watched the movie and thought of the two men as brothers in arms forged by adversity and experience into a tight bond, you are not wrong. Conversely, if you watched the movie and perceived the two men as sexually pair-bonded with a love that surpassed life itself you are also not wrong. Personally I am not bound to either concept and am perfectly willing to accept face value and wait for other evidence to deepen my understanding and their backstory.

I do want to bring one aspect to this fannish debate. Because you hold one view in no ways delegitimizes someone holding the contrary position. You are not wrong to hold your interpretation but you are wrong if you insist that others are in error for their contrary views. I would urge you to respect others because representation matters.

For those in the audience who are of non-mainstream sexualities and orientations the ability to see positive role models in mass media can be a life affirming message that empowers people to live fully realized lives.

For boys and men, particularly in America where phrasing such as ‘man up’ or ‘cowboy up’ are used as batons battering down male expressions of emotion, seeing such powerful friendship and tight relationships outside of a sexual union is a powerfully positive message opening up the possibility of more healthy emotional lives.

Representation for both groups matter and it certainly is not my place or privilege to deny it to anyone.
