Halloween Horror Movie #10: Thirst (1979)

Here is the first film in this series that does not reside in my movie library. Sunday night as dinner was becoming close to ready my sweetie-wife suggested that she wanted to watch a horror with me that evening and in the end suggested we watch Thirst. Well, it was available to us via Shudder and it’s Amazon add-on (Part of a 7 day free trial – you gotta love those) and so soon I had it queued up on the Xbox 360.

1-thirst-1979Thirst comes to us by way of Australia’s exploitative movie cycle of the 1970’s and 1980s. The same period that gave us Mad Max and Razorback. An unusual entry into the vampire mythos Thirst reminded me  in one part of The Hunger and in another way of the Australian film Daybreakers.

Thirst about a secret society of vampires living and thriving in our global community. What sets this masquerade story apart from many others is that these vampires are wholly without a supernatural aspect. They are people who discovered centuries ago that health and life can be obtained by drinking healthy blood. The secret society has established farm where blood-cows (that’s you, me, and the rest of humanity) are raised and cared for to provide a clean product. The plot of the film is the discovery of the descendent from one of the founding noble families. For reasons never truly explained the society is hell-bent on bring this lost lamb back into their fold. What follows is a story of psychological torture and a contest of wills.

Thirst was interesting but on a sort of watch it one time sort of manner. My sweetie-wife had seen the film many years ago and this time around found it dull and boring. As with all things artistic your mileage may vary. I do not regret the 90 minutes watching this unusual film.
