Switching Gears

So the novel’s outline is finished, but it needs a revision. I worked out a better ending and now I have to go back and make sure everything supports that. (This is why I like being an outliner, a whole lot less work that rewriting a book after you just finished it.)

But first I am taking a break to write a short story. Not going to say what it is about because I think I’ll get it done in time for the current quarter of Writers of the Future. It’s coming together rather nicely and counter to the first paragraph of this post, it’s not fully outlined. This is a case where discovery – over a few thousand words – is working out well for me.

After that, revise the outline and maybe start researching a new short. Something very action oriented, very visual, and a new setting for a zombie story, but it requires a lot of research.

Have a great weekend.
