Daily Archives: May 5, 2014

Sunday Night Movie:Zero Dark Thirty

Thanks to getting back onto a disc plan with Netflix, my selection of films has opened op and last night I watched a film I have wanted to see for some time, Zero Dark Thirty.

This is the dramatized account of the hunt for and the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.220px-ZeroDarkThirty2012Poster From my basic knowledge of the facts I did not spot any glaring inconsistencies and the film was written and produced with a minimum of political bias.

The film uses as it’s focus a CIA operative named Maya, we never learn her last name and as for film purposes I wouldn’t even assume that this is her real name. We follow her multi-year trek through shards of intelligence data and bureaucratic infighting to try and located the world’s most hunted man. The tension is real and the filmmaker, Kathryn Bigalow who won an Oscar for ‘The Hurt Locker’ showed deft skills in managing a story that spanned such a vast amount of time and locations.

I appreciate that Ms. Bigalow did not using the stomach-wrenching video we have all seen of the attacks on 09/11. There was no need for that sort of exhibitionism in a tale this deftly told. She also never gave us the face of Bin Laden, I suspect so that even in the form of an impersonator as to deny him all manner of publicity and fame.

The script was well written by Mark Boal who was responsible for the reporting about Black Hawk Down that Ridley Scott turned into a fine film. The cast boasted no superstars, but was well represented with talented actors who seemed to inhabit their characters.

This film is worth the time.
