Daily Archives: January 27, 2014

Oh my time is in serious danger…

A few months ago I lost quite a bit of productive time at home to a computer game, Kerbal Space Program. The game is very low cost to buy, and if you have a science or engineering bent it’s worse than blue meth. Just a couple of weeks ago I broke my addiction to the game.

Now my strength of will is being tested again.

A couple of years ago my wife I received as a Christmas gift a card game ‘Dominion.’ It is a funny game, easy to play, nicely social, and subtle enough that the ease of play disguises a tricky and challenging game to master. We quickly fell in love with it, and it is a cornerstone of our board and card gaming nights.

Behold the demon temptation that is Dominion on Line. Not as fun as playing around a table with friends, but still dangerously easy and apparently free to play.


Oh can I roll a 20 on my Will save?

