Daily Archives: July 2, 2013

A real test today

I needed to keep the car today as I had a job interview. After dropping my sweetie-wife off at her job I headed home, fighting enormous hunger pains. I’m trying to be very good about the zero sugar and very little carbs requirements of my new diet and the desire for a McMuffin was nearly irresistible. I decided that more normal breakfast,a very modest thing simply would not do, and stopped off at a supermarket to picked up a small steak so I could have steak and eggs for breakfast. (My favorite breakfast meal.)

I didn’t get the steak but I did get sausage and and made a nice sausage omelet. I managed to shop and get home with giving in to those carbs that were ever so testing my WILL save.

The interview went well and now the waiting begins. You would think that as an aspiring author I would be better at waiting, but I am not.

