Movie Review: Iron Sky

Odds are very much against anyone reading my blog will get a chance to see this film projected in a theater. This was a small independent production from filmmakers in Finland and the US release is very limited. (So far just one single showing in San Diego. One evening one time.) Go to to find were it is showing in the U.S.
Some of you may have heard your humble author and host praise a fan film “Star Wreck: In The Pirkenning.” This is the first professional feature film from the people behind that spectacular parody of Star Trek vs Babylon 5. Last night my lovely sweetie-wife and I drove about twenty miles to catch the single San Diego presentation of Iron Sky and it was worth every stop light and the long night it made for us both.
Iron Sky is a farcical SF story about Lunar Nazis, and who doesn’t love Lunar Nazis? (In fact like the third SF book I ever read had Lunar Nazis.) In this movie a small population of Nazis fled to he moon in 1945 – and that sort of tells you what level of reality you should approach this story with – and established a colony on the farside (yeah they keep calling it the darkside, but it’s properly called the farside of the moon). There they have lived in seclusion, cut off and unaware of the changes on the world they left. Everything changes when they mistake a US return to the moon as an invasion – it’s really just an election year ploy – and more militant faction begins plans for the invasion of the Earth.
This plot swirls around three principle characters, James Washington, former fashion model turned astronaut and captive of the Lunar Nazis, Renata, a lovely Nazi teacher and Earthologist with a decided lack of historical knowledge, and her overbearing and true to the bone bad Nazi boyfriend Klaus. Throw into the mix a US president who’s a little too American, her scheming political manager, and a host of secondary characters and you have the right mix for a farce of astronomical scale.
This is not a film for everyone. If the very thought of even in a comedy seeing a motorcycle and sidecar speeding along the lunar surface drives you batty, then don’t watch. But if movies like Airplane or Top Secret! work for you then this film can find a home. Also – if you can’t stand jokes at Sarah Palin’s expense, well, it’s best if you don’t watch.
For me however, this was funny, fast, and well done. A film soon to added to our blu-ray collection.
