I took my birthday off

My birthday being yesterday, I stayed home from my day job, wrote not one god damn word. Played video games, ate pizza, and watched movies. All in all not a bad way to spend my birthday while my sweetie-wife tooled around town between her job and various appointments.

About 9:30 she called me from her job to let me know there was a little ‘some thing’ in the closet for me. She directed me to an open Amazon shipping box in the walk-in closet and told me I’d find a little thing in there. (She had already gotten me a NOOK for my birthday. A  NOOK I am thoroughly enjoying.)

So what was the little ‘thing?’ a blu-ray copy of John Carpenter’s The Thing. I spent the morning watching it and listening to the audio commentary by Carpenter and star Kurt Russell. A good film and a good commentary track.

In the evening I went to the Mysterious Galaxy Writers’ Group meeting, where we hashed out a few ideas for group structure and future plans.

Once I got home I had a bowl of ice cream and watched most of a documentary on exploitation films made in thePhilippines, I’ll finish that up tonight.

Quite appropriate for my birthday it looks like my recent spat of headache may be a symptom that I need a new eyeglass prescription. I have an exam set-up for next week.
