Operation: Hilarity

As I write this, the results are coming in from the Michigan and Arizona primaries. I haven’t looked to see which way it is trending, but I do want to speak to the announced, ‘Operation: Hilarity.

Four years ago during the Democratic Primary Rush Limbaugh announced Operation Chaos, prompting his listeners to go and vote for Hillary Clinton in the primary to sow as much chaos in an attempt to weaken the eventually nominee and help John McCain win the general election. As you can see that operation failed to achieve it objectives.

That failure has not stopped the liberal site The Daily Kos from announcing their own version, Operation Hilarity, suggesting Democrats vote for Rick Santorum, hoping to damage the eventual Republican nominee and assist Obama in his re-election goals.

This I think is a very bad idea.

Now personally I think if Rick Santorum were to be the nominee it would in all likelihood be an electoral blowout for the Democratic Party. However, that is by no means a sure thing. In elections there are very few sure things and particularly when we are talking about a polling that is eights months distant. Any number of crises or scandals could erupt between now and then that might fatally wound the Obama re-election campaign and give the election to the Republican, now matter how extreme or weak the candidate.  If that were to occur then the people voting for Santorum out of a sense of sabotaging the republican process would share in the responsibility for a Santorum Presidency.

I will not take part in such mischief. I will always vote for a candidate that if elected I could live with, not out of a sense of strategic maneuvering or malicious mayhem.

