Sunday Night Movie: Alien vs Predator: Requiem

Due to the holiday the Sunday Night Movie took place on Monday Night.

I picked up were upgrades to DVD already in my library, but on a whim I picked up Alive vs. Predator; Requiem .

Some months ago a friend of mine and I had stated watching the movie on blu-ray via Netflix, but the disc didn’t work properly and so we only ever saw half of the movie. Last night I watched the entire, unrated, version of the film.


It wasn’t horribly stupid or offensive but as a co-worker and friend described it, “that movie’s a teen slasher movie, but with an alien instead of a slasher,’ and I’d say her analysis is fairly on target,

The plot is very simple, a ‘Predator’ ship, infected with ‘The Alien’ crashed near a mountain town in Colorado, sadly not South park, and the ‘Aliens’ inside start hatching in hunters, children, and bums, rapidly growing into alethal infestation. The ‘Predators’ apparently concerned that their campground has got bugs, sends 1, that’s right 1, ‘Predator’ to deal with the infestation.

So we have ‘Aliens’ killing townies, we Have a ‘Predator’ killing ‘Aliens’ and townies, and townies simply running around, screaming, and dying horrid bloody deaths. It ends the only it could end, and of course with a cynical nod towards the birth of ‘The Company’ so despised Dan O’Bannon  when that particular sub-plot got grafted onto his original script.

It seems to me that Alien 3, not only was a horribly stupid movie; it was the film that forever crippled the intelligence of the Alien Franchise. In Alien and Aliens the Zeta Reticulian Parasite, behaves in a consistent and logical manner. (Yes that is my name for the beast in Alien, The Zeta Reticulian Parasite, given that is where the species was first encountered.) In Alien 3, it turned into a monster that killed for the sake of killing instead of an animal following its biological imperative to reproduce. This continued in Alien Resurrection , proving that Joss Wheadon can write a stinker, and into the Alive vs Predator sequel cross-overs, including this one.

I have hope for the prequel film Prometheus, but I will not be surprised if I am disappointed


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