Daily Archives: December 4, 2011

A pretty good day

So this morning was a trip to the World Famous San Diego Zoo with my sweetie-wofe. We had a very nice and got in a some decent exercise. Afterwards we went to a new place for Lunch, the Sea Rocket. This was an upscale bistro kind of place, so not my usual haunt. The food was good, the services was excellent and we enjoyed ourselves. (Though the burger I ordered was too large to eat like a hamburger and I was forced to utilize knife and forke to tackel the thing.)

Then it was grocery shopping and home. The entire time I had my mind gnawing and working on a problem in my newest novel. I have been going like gangbusters on the outline, it’s now up to 24 pages, and this week I came to a sudden and terrible halt. Partly because of the huge load of work that descended upon us at my day job, partly because of the arthritis flare that took me out of typing commission at home, and partly because I knew I was stuck for what was going to happen next in the plot.

If you think of the plot as a number line I was at 18, and I knew what happened from 23 on, but 19, 20, 21, & 22 were leaving me stumped. Today I think I cracked the problem. I’m going to sleep on it and try writing it out tomorrow, then I will know if it worked.

And I’ll close out with a photo from the zoo taken with my iPhone 4.


